A sign reads: 1 in 2 trans folks, 1 in 4 cis women, 1 in 14 cis men will survive rape or attempted rape in college. Each flag represents a KU student survivor. Behind the sign are white flags displayed in the Watson Library lawn and SAPEC staff installing them.

Awareness Flags

Sexual Violence is a prevalent issue affecting students on college campuses across the country. Its pervasiveness in our community can be recognized by the 3,594 flags planted on the Watson Lawn. The goal of this project is to recognize survivors, increase awareness about Sexual Violence, and acknowledge how it affects students on our campus.

Below are statistics displaying the rates of victimization. As you observe the data, it's important to recognize that rates of victimization vary by social group identities. Survivors hold many different identities which impact their experiences. The statistics below help us understand the pervasiveness of sexual violence. These statistics do not dictate an individual's risk. No survivor holds only one identity.

KU Students & Sexual Violence

The flags that are used in this installation are based off of statistics from KU's undergraduate demographics and an Association of American Universities (AAU) study on sexual violence. KU is an AAU institution and the study was based on data from AAU member institutions.

In the study, 26% of undergraduate women, 7% men, and 23% of transgender people disclosed they have experienced sexual violence.

To apply these findings to KU, we used institutional data on student gender identity and a finding from another AAU study which found that 1.7% of students disclosed that they identify as transgender.

Gender & Sexual Violence

Nationally, one in four cisgenderi women will experience sexual violence while in college.At KU, this percentage would equate to an estimated 2,753 of 10,587 (26%) full-time enrolled female students.

Nationally, one in fourteen cisgenderimen will experience sexual violence while in college.1 At KU, this percentage would equate to an estimated 670 of 9,569 (7%) full-time enrolled male students.

Nationally, one in two TGQN individuals will experience sexual violence while in college.2 At KU, this percentage would equate to an estimated 171 of 342 (50%) full-time enrolled TGQN students.

iCisgender [sis-jen-der] | adjective (cisgender people (not cisgenders)) - A term used by some to describe people who are not transgender. "Cis-" is a Latin prefix meaning "on the same side as," and is therefore an antonym of "trans-." A more widely understood way to describe people who are not transgender is simply to say non-transgender people.3

Race/Ethnicity & Sexual Violence

22% of African-American/Black women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

14.6 % of Hispanic/Latinx women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

7%* of Asian/Pacific Islander women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.5

26.9% of Native American/Alaskan Native women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

33.5% of biracial/multiracial women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

18.8 % of Caucasian/White women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

*Likely under reported

Sexual Orientation & Sexual Violence

13% of lesbian women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.6

26% of gay men will experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by a partner in their lifetimes.4

46% of bisexual women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes.4

37% of bisexual men will experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by a partner in their lifetimes.6


1 Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct (Revised: January 17, 2020)

2 Let’s Talk about It: A Transgender Survivor’s Guide to Accessing Therapy

3 Gender Nation Glossary: LGBTQ Definitions, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientations

4 The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report.

5 Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey from the Department of Justice.

6 The NISVS: An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation

Full-time enrolled students at the University of Kansas Lawrence campus derived from AIR Interactive Factbook.


Content Warning

  • This page describes rates of sexual violence by identities such as race, gender, and sexual orientation.

  • This content can be triggering to some survivors of sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence.

  • Support for all affected by sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence is available through our Resources page.